

“An impressive roster of heavy hitters delivered profoundly memorable moments during [the] commemorative service observing the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination…. For nearly 1,000 who witnessed ‘The Dream Lives’….. the evening’s musical highlight was international star of stage and opera Audrey DuBois Harris, who presented an operatic rendition of an old religious standard, ‘Great Is Thy Faithfulness’. The New Tri-State Defender

“Audrey DuBois Harris, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” This soprano, who had previously sung for both Franklin and President Barack Obama, blurred the lines between classical and gospel with a riveting, octave-leaping rendition of this hymn that raised the steeple off of the church. Her dramatic grandeur would have played just as well at the Met.” NY POST (These Performers Hit All the Right Notes At Aretha Franklin’s Funeral)


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